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5 Easy Math Tricks You Should Know for Everyday Life


5 Easy Math Tricks You Should Know for Everyday Life

Image Source: FreeImages

Math can be a scary word for a lot of people. It brings up images of test papers and long division problems to solve. However, math isn’t just about numbers on a page; it is also about the logic and reasoning behind the numbers. There are plenty of everyday situations where we encounter math, either directly or indirectly. Whether you like it or not, math is something that will continue to affect your life from now until you retire one day. That is why it’s important to know some basic tricks that can make your life much easier when dealing with simple mathematical processes every day.

Knowing your times tables by heart

The first trick that many people aren’t even aware of is knowing the multiplication table by heart. It makes quick multiplication problems much easier because you can just use the first number on the left as the “starting number” and multiply from there. So if you need to know 36 x 17, you can easily remember that 17 is the “starting number” because it’s the first number on the left (since 36 x 1 = 36). Now, multiplying 36 x 17 faster than someone who needs to write out the full equation is only a minor advantage, but it makes a difference in a pinch. More importantly, it’s a great way to get into the habit of always using the multiplication table even if you don’t need it. This can help you remember the times table in general so that when you do need it, it comes easier.

Round up or down when buying or selling

This can make a difference if you’re constantly buying or selling items that are very close in price. Instead of trying to be extremely precise, just round the price up or down based on which direction you expect the item to go. If you’re selling something for $12.99, don’t worry about it being $13; just make it $13 and be done with it. If you’re buying an item for $10, don’t try to get every penny on the dollar; just pay $10 and be done with it. If you’re dealing with something like a house, rounding up or down by $1,000 wouldn’t make a difference, but for minor purchases like a pack of gum or a can of soda, a few cents one way or the other can be the difference between something being a bargain or a rip-off.

Calculate the change when paying with cash

This is another trick that you can use on a regular basis without even being aware of it. Whenever you pay for something with cash, you can immediately calculate how much change you’re supposed to get back based on the total cost. This makes it easier to keep the change straight, especially if you’re in a rush and don’t have time to count it out. Whenever you get change back from a cashier, you can always double-check by adding up the total cost again. If it matches what they gave you, then you know they didn’t short you or make a mistake. This is especially useful if you’re with friends or family who don’t know how to do this.

How to tell if something is counterfeit

This is something that most people don’t even realize they can do, but it’s something that law enforcement agents do on a regular basis. While you might have to call the police to report the phony bills, this trick can also be used to see if something is real or fake. One common method is to hold something up to the light and see if there’s any “shadows” or imperfections behind it. This is something that the police do fairly often, and while they have special equipment to do it, this trick can work on something as simple as a $20 bill or a $100 bill. Even though most people don’t know about this trick, some counterfeiters have started to use special ink and other methods to make the bills harder to see through.

How to tell how much you’ll earn from an interest rate

This one may seem a little advanced, but if you’re someone who is constantly investing money or taking out a loan, you need to know this trick. If you’re working with an interest rate and you want to know exactly how much money you’ll be making or losing, there is a trick for it. First, you’ll need to know what the interest rate is. You can also work this out on a calculator, but it’s easier to just look it up online. Once you have the interest rate, you take the amount you’re investing or borrowing and multiply it by the interest rate. Then you take the amount you’re investing or borrowing and divide it by the amount you get by the first step. This second number is how many months it’s going to take you to reach the amount you’ve invested or borrowed.

Bringing math into your workouts

This may seem like an odd one, but there are many ways that bringing math into your workouts can actually help you get more out of them. One trick is to time yourself during exercises and keep track of your times. This can help you better track your progress and see which exercises you’re improving the most at. The best part is that you can do this with any exercise. Another trick is to time yourself for certain sets. This is especially good for weightlifting, but it can work for any exercise where there is a set time for the exercise itself. If you know that you have a certain amount of time to finish a set and rest afterward, it can help you stay disciplined and not rush through your exercise.

Know how much weight you can lift

This is an important trick to know if you’re lifting weights. It sounds simple, but you should always know how much weight you can lift before you start working out. If you’re lifting free weights, then make sure you know how much each one weighs. If you’re lifting with machines at a gym, then use their weight settings. If you’re lifting with a barbell, use a weightlifting calculator or a chart to figure out the weights you’ll need to lift. Knowing how much weight you can lift can help you make sure you’re lifting at your level without going overboard and risking injury. It can also help you make sure you’re not lifting less than you can and getting nowhere with your workout.

Knowing the right travel distances for walking and running

This sounds like something only runners or people who walk for exercise would need, but it’s actually something everyone can benefit from. Most people don’t know how many calories they’re burning in a given amount of time, and if you’re not careful, you could be burning less than you think. This is especially true if you’ve been exercising for a while and you want to keep progressing. If you know how many calories you’re burning with each exercise, you can work out how long it takes to burn a certain amount of calories. You can then use that information to plan how long you can exercise before you need to take a break. This can help you make sure you don’t push yourself too hard and get injured while still getting the most out of your exercise plan.


Reading this article, you probably learned a lot of new tricks that you didn’t know about before. It’s important to learn about some of the more advanced mathematical concepts out there, and these are just a few of them. Even if you don’t use them directly, they can help you understand other things that happen around you, making you a more well-rounded person. If you want to make the most out of your life, it’s important to learn as much as you can. These tricks will help you do just that.


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